Dear Researcher/Clinician
Following the great success of WAS2022 in Munich, we are happy to announce that the Fourth
International Symposium on Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome will take place November 18th, 2024 in
Milan, Italy. This special event will enable researchers and clinicians to meet, present and discuss
their work on Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome and WASp research. For more details, please visit
www.was2024.org . Our event is endorsed by ESID.
We are planning a series of sessions, keynote presentations and panel discussions. Our objectives
for the symposium are simple, yet bold. We hope to attract researchers and cliniciansfrom around
the world to:
- Expand WAS research.
- Bridge the gap between basic and clinical research to speed up applications.
- Foster collaboration among researchers.
- Motivate young researchers to focus on WAS and XLT
We invite you to participate and join us at the symposium to hear the most updated information
on WAS and XLT, and have the opportunity to connect with fellow WAS clinicians and researchers
and patient advocates.
Abstract submission and registration will be open on June 1st, 2024. For additional information or
any clarification needed, please send us E-mail at: office@was.org.il
Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the symposium.
WAS2024 Organizing Committee.